Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Cocksman Shall Know The Cock

This happens to be one of the few rules of Cocksmanship that the author of this blog can confidently claim to abide by. Simply put, The Cocksman must maintain an intimate relationship with The Cock, which, at times, requires that The Cocksman focus all of his attention on The Cock. Understandably, when a holder of the vagina is present, The Cocksman may be distracted and should refrain from fully concentrating on The Cock. However, at least three times a week, The Cocksman should turn off his cellular device, let The Cock out into the world and put maximum effort into fully pleasing The Cock.

When engaging in Cock-Cocksman bonding, The Cocksman should avoid viewing pornography. When The Cocksman becomes absorbed in watching erotica, his focus is on the computer, not The Cock, which leaves both The Cock and The Cocksman wanting more from their relationship with each other. Admittedly, there are times of self-stimulation where a person may simply want to achieve orgasm and move on with the day, which is still encouraged, but that is not what this rule is concerned with. The Cocksman should recognize that it isn't necessary to even fantasize when embracing The Cock. The Cocksman may simply caress The Cock while attempting to leave his mind blank or stare in the mirror. The point is that the focus of The Cocksman needs to be on The Cock in order to maintain a balanced and pleasurable relationship.

Example A: Raymond awoke to find himself alone, as Debra had taken Michael and Geoffery to to their soccer game. Uninterested in removing himself from the bed, Raymond laid back, fondled The Cock while focusing on the ceiling until he was satisfied. Raymond congratulated himself on his maintaining a cherished connection with The Cock. Pat yourself on the back, Raymond, you've practiced good Cocksmanship!

Example B: Will began relaying the story of a particularly satisfying mastubatory session with Carlton. Rather than engaging Will or asking for tips, Carlton responded by calling Will a "queer" for spending quality time with The Cock. Carlton stormed off, confused by how difficult it was for him to stop thinking about Will pleasuring himself. Not only is Carlton not a Cocksman, he's also a self-loathing homosexual.

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