Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Cocksman Shall Share The Cock

Simply put, The Cocksman is not celibate. When The Cocksman finds a person who meets his qualifications, The Cocksman is obligated to share The Cock with her. At times, The Cocksman may desire a few hours of sleep or a couple of games of online poker, but requirements always trump desires. If the opportunity for intercourse arises with a holder of the vagina who meets The Cocksman's standards, The Cocksman must encourage the holder of the vagina to explore The Cock.

Example A: Zach and Kelly spend their summer working at the beach. One night, Kelly suggests a walk to watch the sunset. Just as the sun hits the water, Kelly begins giving off clear signs that she would like to experience The Cock. However, Zach has plans to spy on Lisa with Screech in less than an hour. Zach decides on intercourse with Kelly, but promises himself he will let Screech smell his finger. Zach clearly has Cocksman blood coursing through his veins.

Example B: Donna's parents are out of town one night, so she invites Eric over. Donna has been lusting after Eric for a number of weeks and it's clear what her intentions are. Unfortunately, Star Wars is opening the same night, so Eric has a dilemma on his hands. Eric chooses to see Star Wars with Hyde and Fes instead of meeting Donna. Poor Cocksmanship Eric, simply poor Cocksmanship.

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